
Can I Keep It Real? 365 Real Life Insights and Inspirations for Everyday Living

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A treasury of thoughts, poems, scriptures, prayers and inspirations for each day of the year. They will walk you through a journey of laughter, thoughtfulness, challenge, deliverance and ultimately towards a closer walk with God.

SKU: DP0003 Category:


International Standard Book Number: 978-1-907137-07-5 (Paperback)

Excerpt from Can I Keep It Real? 365 Real-Life Insights and Inspirations for Everyday Living

August 28 © By Jacqueline Peart Inspired by The Holy Spirit You’re Going to Get There… Today, I want to encourage you with these simple words: “You’re going to get there.” You see, if we are not careful, we can become overwhelmed with all that we believe needs to be accomplished, including church programmes, ministry involvement, family commitments, work priorities, social events, financial planning, business development and more. Be encouraged, though it may seem like ‘much’, you are going to get there. One day, as my sister and I were travelling from Long Island to Brooklyn, the journey just seemed to be taking longer than usual. No matter how many times we moved from lane to lane, the traffic seemed relentless; needless to say, we arrived at our destination, a little longer than hoped, but we got there! Can I take a moment to speak to those of you that feel like you have had traffic jam, after traffic jam, roadblock after roadblock and it seems like you’re never going to get to your destination. Whether that destination is having the right staff in position, finance to build ministry and projects, promotion in work, business to prosper, family members to be saved and anything else that feels like it’s taking a long time to get to, take heart, you’re going to get there! If you’ve checked that you’re on the right road, your motives for doing all you are doing are for God’s glory, and the delays are not self-inflicted (sin) then you can be assured you will arrive at the right place at the right time.


This is just a gentle reminder not to weary of well doing because in due season, you shall reap if you do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 Yours getting there sooner than I think, Jacqueline


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