Inspirations for Women… A Journey to Wholeness (USA)
Powerful from start to finish! Essentially this is a self-help book but you will find nothing fluffy in the pages with titles such as “You’ve been broken, to be blessed!”
International Standard Book Number: 0-9533060-3-8
Except from Inspirations for Women… A Journey to Wholeness
Firstly, I would like to answer the question, ‘Why another book for women with so many already on the market?’ Because there are still so many of us living below spiritual fulfilment. My desire is to see women walk in their complete wholeness in Christ Jesus. My desire is to see us become enveloped in all the blessings the Father has for us, that we would judge ourselves against His standards and not the world’s.
You see, the world will tell us that we must be a certain shape, shade, size and temperament. As we look at the popular magazines and adverts we can see how they try to depict images for us to aspire to. Many of us have fallen into the trap of trying to become that ‘perfect’ woman because of these social influences. If it’s not the latest diet, it’s the new face creams and fashion trends. We’ve even tried to become the perfect partner, parent, friend, employee, sibling and other roles that are part of our lives.
The media and the enemy have done a good job at trying to hold us in bondage desiring the fairy tale life. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are no fairy tales in real life – that’s for the films. We have a real life, and that makes our Maker even more real. You see, when we desire a fairy tale that is not achievable we start to fall short of one of the very tall orders placed on us by society (or we place on ourselves) and thus count ourselves as lacking or at worst failures. Only Superwoman, the fictional character, can achieve the type of perfection the world requires. But I believe God is not looking for superwomen, but real women, women who know who they are. Women who know their limitations, their strengths and their weaknesses, women who judge themselves to and by His word, not the world!
I mentioned in my first book in the series, In Search of Wholeness, that low self-esteem was something that followed me throughout my childhood and lest I had found the Lord it was preparing to hold me captive in my adulthood. I always felt less than other people. Somehow I didn’t fit in with the ‘popular’ girls or ‘cliques’. I always seemed to just miss the ‘in crowd’. I wasn’t pretty enough, trendy enough, slim enough, smart enough or, in some cases, bad enough, so at an early age, unbeknown to my own self at the time, I began my quest to fit in by wearing an acceptable mask.
The Webster’s New World dictionary defines a mask as, ‘anything that conceals or disguises and/or a protective covering for the face’. So when I refer to a mask, I’m referring to anything that conceals or disguises your true identity (which is in Christ Jesus), anything that we have developed to protect ourselves from getting hurt. One of my masks was one of the performer or entertainer. I could always find something funny to say even if it was at my own expense, but somehow that didn’t matter so long as I was accepted, so long as I was wanted. So long as was able to I fit in. What a high price to pay for acceptance, the loss of your identity!
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